Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Life According to Cakes

Evan started calling me cakes when we were just dating. His friends have adopted this terminology as well. I like it. I mean who doesn't love cake? Strawberry shortcake, chocolate molten cake, cheesecake...the tasty possibilities are endless. I like to think that this is the most appropriate nickname that I've ever had. I'm sweet, full of energy, fun, colorful and fun-loving – just like cake. I'm always up for a celebration or party!

"Cakes" it is. I think it was a way to shorten "baby cakes." I like cakes, though.

So, ok, why am I blogging? I'm not sure...perhaps to better understand myself, to put a thumbprint somewhere in cyberspace? To create a more sophisticated/trendy journal? I asked Evan last week if it would be cool to start writing in a jounral. He looked at me with that look that tells me I'm a nut. Journals aren't really "me." I had a journal in 6th grade and wrote about boys that I liked and friends. I found it and read it again a year or so ago and was so dissapointed. What were my deep thoughts on life? On current events? What were my insecurities? What were my passions? Ok, so I was in 6th grade, but I should have had a little more depth. The surface level stuff was so shallow. Where were my opinions?

I love opinions. I have a million. when I have an opinion I share it, with passion. I love debating, talking, getting to the root of an issue. There is nothing better than climbing to the tippy-top of my soap box and ranting to anyone who will listen. That's the key, right there – ranting. It's fabulous. Evan likes to rant, too. In fact I have the best conversations with him about everything from work to the dog to life to current events. We have so many of the same opinions, it's amazing. We should totally start a business together. Ok, he is more grounded. I am more head in the clouds, but we work. I'm so silly. I'm smiling right now at the thought of the two of us. Ranting. Debating. Tee-hee.

I also ramble. You figured that out.

Back to the blog idea. I want to express opinions. True, meaningful opinions. And I want my friends and family to share their opinions back at me. So there. That's the purpose. It's life according to cakes.

Maybe I will have post #2 after my class this evening. That would be fun :)

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